Get rid of acidity! Even without medicine? So follow these tips from today
Today we will tell you how acid reflux and heartburn can be easily controlled without drugs.
One of the most common stomach related problems is acidity
'Acid reflux' can be caused by excess production of stomach acid
Ignoring it can have dire consequences down the line
Burning in the chest and throat has become a problem for most people these days. One of the most common stomach related problems is acidity, also known as 'acid reflux'. This may be due to excess production of stomach acid. If you experience acid reflux symptoms more than twice a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease. Ignoring it can lead to bad consequences going forward. Learn how acid reflux and heartburn can be easily controlled without drugs.
Change in eating habits
Include vitamin rich foods in your diet. Stop eating fried and spicy food as it increases obesity along with diseases. Never over eat. Always make a habit of eating little. Do not sit immediately after eating, walk a little. There should be a gap of three hours between your meal and sleep, be sure to keep this in mind.
Avoid drinking carbonated drinks
Avoid carbonated drinks if you have acid reflux or any stomach related problems. Consuming this drink makes people belch. Carbon dioxide gas in carbonated drinks can cause bloating. Drinking it cools us down but it can be dangerous. So always make normal water your companion. It removes toxins from your body.
way of sleeping
While sleeping, you should keep your upper body elevated and your legs down, so that you can support the pillow. Get enough sleep so that you stay mentally healthy as well. It is believed that sleeping on the left side does not cause stomach problems.
Maintain weight
Acid reflux and heartburn are more likely to occur if you are overweight. Always maintain your weight. Yoga and a balanced diet are essential to combat acid reflux